SMS for Insurance Services
Improve your customer service with SMS
Mobile messaging for Insurance services
We know how vital good customer service is within the insurance sector, so we’ve got a huge range of ways to assist. Integrating text messaging into your client communications makes renewing insurance for your customers more convenient. All of your customers have mobile phones, why not reach them there?
It's that much harder to go over your overdraft when your bank makes sure to send you a warning message once you are getting near the limit! In a similar vein, SMS delivered reminders will go some way to making sure that customers do not go without insurance or go elsewhere for it. This dramatically reduces wasted time for both customers and employees.
But the SMS messaging service that we operate here at TextWeavers is capable of so much more than simple reminders; SMS provides possibly the most direct, easy to digest means of customer communication available, that additionally makes it ideal for informing customers of latest services and deals, or maybe information pertaining new policy changes.
If you need direct communication with customers at any stage of your insurance service business operations, then our UK bulk SMS messaging service might hold the key to greater efficiency and superior returns.
Renewal date alerts
Customer near to their renewal date? Let them know with a quick message alerting them of their renewal date and a number to call to renew.
Short number & keywords
Let your customers text in for quick updates on their insurance policy like adding new drivers.
Policy documents and statements
Attach copies of informative documents to a text message via a short link so your customers can simply view and store them on their phones.
Reduce waste
Easily reduce your business carbon footprint and save money on printing costs by replacing non-essential letters with convenient text messages.
Payment reminders
Does your client have a payment due or are they running behind? A simple text will prompt action and save time on collection calls.
Easy integration
Messenger can be integrated with a large number of database and customer management software packages, allowing easy automation of messages.